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Glass Cleaning for Architectural Glass in 2023

Cleaning architectural glass products incorrectly might cause damage. We recommend following our glass cleaning instructions to keep your architectural glass clean and damage-free. In order to avoid the accumulation of potentially dangerous mineral deposits and airborne contaminants, glass goods must be cleaned on a regular basis.

Quick Tips:
  • Any abrasive or alkaline material that comes into touch with the glass should be washed away right away.

  • To clean the glass or remove debris, never use a razor or other sharp item.

  • In direct sunlight, avoid cleaning tinted or reflective glass surfaces.

Glass may become more significantly dirty during the construction period than at any other time. During the initial cleaning, extra caution should be used to ensure that the glass surface is not damaged by significant surface contaminants. The glass surface should be cleansed with clean water the first time it is cleaned after building construction or at any time during the construction period. This is done to eliminate any surface contamination that could potentially scratch the glass during the cleaning procedure. A soft, clean, grit-free cloth and a moderate, non-abrasive, non-alkaline cleaning solution should be used to clean the glass. Excess water should be removed from glass surfaces with a squeegee and the glass should be cleaned immediately with clean water.

Use a commercial window cleaning solution or mild soap and water for routine cleaning. Rinse well after spraying or applying the cleaning solution with a soft, grit-free cotton sponge or pad. The glass should next be squeegeed dry or wiped dry with a clean grit-free cloth.

Metal should not come into contact with the glass surface, and abrasive particles should not be caught between the glass and the cleansing materials. Glass should not be cleaned with razor blades, scrapers, putty knives, or metal components of glazing equipment since they can scratch the surface.

Glass Cleaning Guidelines for a Construction Site

If debris or grit builds on glass, it can cause damage if not properly handled. To begin cleaning, immerse the surfaces in a water and soap solution. Using a spray of clean water, flush out as much grit as possible. Using a squeegee or a grit-free rag, reapply the window cleaning solution and wash the windows. Rinse well after spraying or applying the cleaning solution uniformly with a soft grit-free cotton sponge or pad. The glass should next be squeegeed dry or wiped dry with a clean grit-free cloth.

Concrete or mortar slurry that runs down (or is splashed on) glass can be particularly harmful and should be cleaned away as soon as possible. It's quite alkaline, and it'll etch the glass eventually. To loosen mortar, start by soaking the surfaces in a water and soap solution. Next, use a spray of clean water to remove as much grit as possible. Use a squeegee or a grit-free cloth to reapply the window cleaning solution. Window washers should clean a small area or one window at a time, then stop and inspect the surface for any damage to the glass.

If you want to learn more about Architectural Glass and best practices for cleaning - contact us

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